ALBCD 031 – Ciao… Amore – Fratello Joseph Bassi with Domenico Sanna, Max Ionata

/フラテッロ・ジョセフ・バッシ with ドメーニコ・サンナ、マックス・イオナータ

現代伊ジャズ・シーンを牽引する最重要プレイヤーの一人、フラテッロ・ジョセフことジュゼッペ・バッシ(b、1971年生/バーリ出身)による、『Just You, Just Me』に続くアルボーレ・ジャズ第2作目。前作同様ドメーニコ・サンナ(p)、そしてあらたにマックス・イオナータ(ts)を迎え、何気ない日常のなかのささやかな愛をテーマにロマンチックなレパートリーを披露する。

“This is a record in which we evoke the spirit of love in a time when it seems to have abandoned us. The love for a woman, love for life and its good things, food, travel, colors, humanity and the whole of nature.” – Giuseppe “Fratello Joseph” Bassi

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… “Ciao… Amore” documents Giuseppe’s ongoing development as a player and composer. He has chosen his music-mates well: the fine pianist Sanna, full of rich ideas, beautiful pianistic touch, and abundant, and relaxed, technique: never grandstanding or showing off, but always in the service of the music. Saxman Ionata has great emotional range in his playing, and a warm and engaging sound that constantly has you on the edge of your chair wanting to hear where he will go next. Again, like Sanna, lots of technical skill but always serving the music. … I would say the greatest compliment I could give is that no one in the trio sounds like a copy of someone else: yes, you hear the influences, the tradition – and that’s as it should be. But beyond that, each man has developed his own sound and beautiful voice. I could listen (and will) to this album over and over again. Welcome to “Ciao… Amore”.
– Liner notes by Bill Mays,


Format: CD, 4 panels paper sleeve mini-LP style / ALBCD-031
Artist: Fratello Joseph Bassi
Title: Ciao… Amore
JAN: 4560312310311


Fratello Joseph Bassi (double bass)
Domenico Sanna (piano)
Max Ionata (tenor sax)

Rec data:

Recorded at Groovefarm studio, Rome – Italy, on October 12, 2015
Recording engineer: Davide Abbruzzese
Mixed and mastered at Sorriso Studio, Bari – Italy
Sound engineer: Tommy Cavalieri
Produced by Giuseppe Bassi
Executive producer: Satoshi Toyoda – Albore Jazz

Photo credits:
Paolo Soriani (back), Bai Lu Wang (inside), Giuseppe Bassi (front)


  1. When I Look in Your Eyes (Leslie Bricusse)
  2. I Can’t Believe That You’re in Love with Me (Jimmy McHugh)
  3. Sno’ Peas (Phil Markowitz)
  4. Voyage (Kenny Barron)
  5. I Know You Know (Giuseppe Bassi)
  6. Say No (Gegè Telesforo)
  7. Ciro Chi? (Domenico Sanna)
  8. Promenade (George Gershwin)
  9. Giochi di Luci (Marco Tamburini)

Album previews


試聴音源に触れてから限りなく聴いてきた、これはすでに名盤だ。レスター系の趣を持ったテナーが淡々と語り、光る音を放つピアノとの見事なまでのコラボレイション、ベースも含めてその成熟度は驚きだ。音の隙間が3人の見事なまでの一体感によって埋められていく過程が聴く者を深く惹きこむだろう。冒頭曲だけでそうしたジャズが好きな方にはこの作品が理解できるだろう。“歌詞を歌えるサックス”はなかなか少ない。イオナータがその域にあるとは驚きだ。いい意味で歌い放題、話し放題の3人だ。スタン・ゲッツ=ケニー・バロンで有名な④も、ダイアナ・クラールの声が浮かぶ①も含めて全曲外れなしだ。- intoxicate, April 2018/瀧口秀之(タワーレコード渋谷店)


A trio record without any drums – which allows for really great interplay between the bass of Fratello Joseph Bassi, the piano of Domenico Sanna, and tenor of Max Ionata! We’re used to hearing Ionata in a more snapping sort of session, but he’s maybe even more compelling here – carving out some sharp, soulful lines next to the fantastic interplay between bass and piano, all given this warmth that will really have us paying a lot more attention to Bassi in the future! The depth of his tones are wonderful – never overplayed, but delivered with this stark, simple, almost economical mode that’s a nice contrast to the more fluid, but equally colorful work of Sanna on piano. Titles include “Sno’ Peas”, “Voyage”, “I Know You Know”, “Promenade”, “Say No”, “Ciro Chi”, and “Giochi Di Luci”. © 1996-2018, Dusty Groove, Inc.


Registrate presso il Groovefarm Studio di Roma nell’ottobre 2015, le nove tracce di “Ciao… amore” sono, nelle parole di Giuseppe Bassi, «[…] un richiamo allo spirito dell’amore, in un momento in cui sembra essere abbandonato». Un sentimento che il bassista esprime in musica, insieme a Max Ionata al tenore e Domenico Sanna al pianoforte, attraverso un’estetica costruita con estremo equilibrio formale e con un modo di sottrazione che rasenta l’essenzialità. I suoni del trio non si aggrovigliano, ma muovono in spazi sempre nuovi dove scavano profondi solchi espressivi. Tempi moderati e temi cantabili per un insieme che rimanda l’idea di un mosaico, fatto di tessere millimetriche, tanto spontaneo quanto pensato nel dettaglio. Le foto di copertina è di Giuseppe Bassi.
Roberto Paviglianiti –


チャオ、アモーレ。イタリア人は愛情表現が豊かということを、まざまざと見せつけられるようなフラテッロ・ジョセフ・バッシ(b)のロマンティックな最新作。前作に続いてドメーニコ・サンナ(p)のピアノにうっとり。しかし本作の主役は、ふくよかな音色ですべてを愛で包み込むマックス・イオナータ(ts)。猫ジャケもいい。(モリヤマ)Way Out West vol.109 / April 2018


イタリア・ジャズ屈指のベース奏者の第2弾。ピアノとテナー・サックスのトリオで、何気ない日常の愛をさまざまな角度から綴った。ピクチャレスクでリリカルで耽美的。彫りの深いベースは、硬度に技巧的でありながら、どこか甘やか。まさに伊達男のジャズだ。(Y)CD Journal / June 2018


1971年生まれ、イタリア・バーリ出身のフラテッロ・ジョセフ・バッシ(ジュゼッペ・バッシ)は、現代イタリア・ジャズ・シーンのなかで最重要ベースプレイヤーの1人と称される逸材。真っ赤なソファーに横たわる猫のジャケットが印象深い最新作のテーマは「何気ない日常のなかのささやかな愛」。前作『Just You, Just Me』に続いてドメーニコ・サンナがピアノを弾き、新たにテナー・サックスのマックス・イオナータを迎えたトリオ編成で9曲を収録。ウォーキング・ベースが心地良いスインギーな「Voyage」、冒頭からベースソロを披露する「I Know You Know」など、決して前に出過ぎず、存在感は際立つバッシのベースが魅力的。美しいピアノとサックスとの相性も良い。- The Walker’s vol.53 (June 2018)